Too Much Culture

WTH! Fringe Gossip Overview

Posted in Uncategorized by tneenan on 08/26/2011

Too Much Culture has been at the Fringe for a few weeks now. Here is a run down of some of the wicked whispers which have been floating around the festival…

Pleasance watering hole Brooke’s Bar is rumoured to be opening a new drinking establishment in Oxford. The bar will be inferior to Oxford’s more famous Bar.

Controversial ditty writer Twät ‘N’ The Posse have been criticised for handing out stickers baring the face of Jim Jeffries. Images of the Australian funny man’s face have been stuck all over town, in some cases obscuring some rather fine images of male genitalia.

The Foster’s Sprit of the Fringe Award is to be awarded to the month of September.

TheFaultyTowersdining experience have added six new dates to their run. They have also announced plans to return next year for “The Little Mo Dining Experience” where diners can experience the joy of being forced to eat Christmas Dinner off the floor by your abusive husband.

Tickets for Daniel Kitson’s one off show at The Stand sold out in seven seconds after he publicised the tickets via a note on a toilet door.

The Pleasance Box Office have announced to be their most profitable month of the year. A spokesperson said: “We have been seriously struggling all year, things were looking really bleak from January to June, we are delighted sales have finally picked up and predict this October to be our busiest yet.”

Dave’s Best Joke of the Fringe Award has been given to the barmaid at The Loft Bar, here is her winning joke: “Customer: How much is a pint of Heineken / Barmaid: A pint.” A spokesman for Dave said “ha ha, good one.”

There is some theatre or something.

Next year “Puppetry of the Penis” is to be performed in 4D. audiences can travel forward in time to see the performers, now in their 60’s, regretting the decision to appear in “Puppetry of the Penis”